
Photo: Dirk Mahler © Fraunhofer ISE

•We want to preserve this planet for our children but struggle to care for it.

•We have more information than ever but struggle to distinguish wrong from right.

•We are thinking global but struggle to solve problems locally.

We have the responsibility to protect this world for our children. Act now!

How can we live sustainable?

Ask yourself the following questions: What is my home? What do I eat, drink and buy? What do I support? Where is my money? And you will find out that every decision makes an impact. Sustainability is first of all a questions of taking the responsibility for your life: Where do I buy my food, how much meat do I eat, how far did my food travel to my home, how much energy do I consume, what is my bank doing with my money, where is my pension fond invested, who do I support? Nobody will change the world by himself or act always in a good way. But we can live with an attitude of keeping our eyes open and questioning decisions which we are making every day. Sustainability originates from your every days acting. This can make the world a better place.

We sometimes feel our impact is negligible under 7 billion people on this planet, with companies targeting profit optimization instead of better living conditions for all of us. But think about it, every company and business needs capital for its investments and it needs customers and consumers. You can change the opportunities of companies by deciding actively where to spend your money and where to invest your money. Everybody can make an impact. Do you know where your pension fond is investing? Do you know what your bank is doing with your money? Do you like these companies ? Maybe think about change.

For a better understanding of the status of our planet I recommend the film HOME on YouTube by Yann Arthus-Bertrand.

My homepage summarizes activities which I am following in my personal life.